Antonio Capozio
Lecturer in Research Methods at Edge Hill University and Research Fellow in Neurorehabilitation at @UniversityLeeds.
ID: 520592931
https://www.edgehill.ac.uk/person/dr-antonio-capozio/staff/ 10-03-2012 17:47:32
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We found reduced accuracy but not speed of mouse use when pedalling on an under desk cycle – a simple way to create an #ActiveWorkstation journals.plos.org/plosone/articl… Antonio Capozio PLOS ONE @NHS_HealthEdEng Faculty of Biological Sciences Leeds TH Physio AHPs4PH #Cycle #LoveActivity #PhysicalActivity

Contact Antonio Capozio for more information👇

The FBS Postdoc Symposium 2022 Leeds FBS Postdoc Symposium is off to a start with Prof Amanda Bretman welcoming the delegates!

Come along to Otley Courthouse next Thursday for a fun night of science! I will be talking about #brainplasticity and our work at the University of Leeds

Last wave of recruitment for our study on the effects of #motorimagery and #spinalstimulation on arm #rehabilitation in people living with #spinalcordinjury. Please contact me at [email protected] or Sarah Astill (she/her) at you are interested in participating