Anne Waiguru EGH, OGW
Governor Kirinyaga. Chairperson Council of Governors, First Devolution CS, Gender & Women Rights Advocate
ID: 285690437
21-04-2011 16:16:31
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Thank you President William Samoei Ruto, PhD for being a solid Development partner for Kirinyaga county and our people. The Projects commissioned today are a pipeline for job creation, industrialization and a pathway for wealth development. Kirinyaga Assembly Export Processing Zones Authority - Kenya

What a wonderful start of the G7 Machakos chapter development tour and warm welcome by Governor Wavinya Wavinya Ndeti Oduwole, EGH. In under two years HE has laid a solid foundation for skills and job training in Kyamutheke Vocational training as well as health care systems in Machakos

A wonderful culmination of G7 to G24 strategy Machakos chapter hosted by Wavinya Ndeti Oduwole, EGH, graced by former Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka, Mama Ida Odinga leading the G7 advisory council, Former Governor and Political trail blazer Mama Charity Ngilu. Thank you to the various

Availability of medicines is a critical part of universal healthcare reforms. COG Council of Governors deliberated with the KEMSA KEMSA team led by their Chair Irungu Nyakera Irungu Nyakera, CBS in discussing collaboration, supply improvement and debt management as we work towards the

A profound moment for Kenya as East Africa Community Heads of States led by William Samoei Ruto, PhD today launched and endorsed Raila Odinga AUC chairmanship candidature.We all aspire for an Africa where we are no longer divided by borders but focus on harnessing the power of our natural

Honoured to have been the Chief Guest at the opening of the 6th Ura Gate Festival hosted by my brother Governor Muthomi Njuki to share in the conversation of culture as a tool for wildlife conservation and socioeconomic development. What a rich celebration of the authentic