Horowitz Lab @Icahn School of Medicine Mount Sinai
We are studying human natural killer cells in viral infections and cancers in order to identify novel immune pathways to exploit for immunotherapies.
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23-02-2014 21:39:57
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Many congrats, Dr. Amali and team! Can’t wait to read the next installment from the brilliant BogunovicLab

Always extremely fulfilling experience collaborating with the brilliant MalmbergLab and many congrats to Aline Pfefferle and Herman K. Netskar and team!

AACR special conference on bladder cancer. I hope to see many of you in Charlotte 17-20 May 2024. Mark you calendars now - we have a strong speaker lineup already Dan Theodorescu Donna Hansel MD, PhD Tahlita Zuiverloon MD PhD AACR aacr.org/meeting/aacr-s…

Very excited to present our group’s research at Queens University, the birthplace of BCG therapy for treatment of non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer (partnership with Dr. John Sfakianos) Matt Galsky Dr. Nina Bhardwaj Lipschultz Precision Immunology Institute The Tisch Cancer Institute Mount Sinai Department of Urology

Immune Cell Context and Treatment Responses: Horowitz Lab @Icahn School of Medicine Mount Sinai, Nina Bhardwaj, and Tahlita Zuiverloon will address this topic in a plenary at the AACR Special Conference on Bladder Cancer (May 17-20, Charlotte, NC). Learn more: bit.ly/3TIftYe #AACRbladder24 Bhardwaj Lab

Join us next week for the International Immunoschool, now in its 9th year. Our theme is 'Challenges & Opportunities in Cancer Immunotherapy' with talks from Eric Vivier Jonathan Kagan Kate Chiappinelli Vinod BalachandranMD Kamphorst Lab & more. Register for FREE >>> loom.ly/9no6dhU

Excited to share our new work in Science Immunology! We describe targeting of gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) as a novel mode of action of anti-α4β7 therapy in IBD. Co-led by Mathieu Uzzan & A. Seki Mehandru Lab @MountSinai Lipschultz Precision Immunology Institute Mount Sinai Division of Gastroenterology Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai🧵 science.org/doi/10.1126/sc…

I am so thrilled that our study defining mechanisms of #PerianalFistula in #Crohns disease is now out in Med by Cell Press . Thank you to Judy Cho + team, Mount Sinai IBD Center MountSinai Pathology SinaiMSTP , and the patients who made this possible doi.org/10.1016/j.medj…

Check out the podcast on Science Magazine this week with Miriam Merad, MD, PhD and @IcahnGenomics Director Brian Brown introducing an upcoming supplement on immunology as a frontier of medical research... science.org/content/webina…

Happy to share our new NK cell resource in Nature Immunology: "Pan-cancer profiling of tumor-infiltrating natural killer cells through transcriptional reference mapping." nature.com/articles/s4159…. Herman K. Netskar, Aline Pfefferle, Horowitz Lab @Icahn School of Medicine Mount Sinai Human Cell Atlas, Precision Immunotherapy Alliance, UiO - Det medisinske fakultet

Herman K. Netskar Aline Pfefferle Finally, this work accelerated through a great collaboration with the amazing Horowitz Lab @Icahn School of Medicine Mount Sinai and Teichlab and support of the Human Cell Atlas initiative.

Very proud to collaborate with MalmbergLab Herman K. Netskar Aline Pfefferle Teichlab on this brilliant effort to define transcriptional reference mapping of NK cells in healthy & tumor tissues. Framework readily available for all to integrate their own datasets! rdcu.be/dMuQC

Thank you for highlighting our work! We hope this provides support for integrating these ADCs into bladder-sparing treatment approaches for MIBC. Brigham and Women’s Radiation Oncology Dana-Farber Lank Center for Genitourinary Oncology Rebecca Johnson IBCN IBCG

honored to play small role in shaping guidelines for treatment strategies and management of BCG-unresponsive NMIBC under the brilliant efforts of Ashish M. Kamat, MD, MBBS and IBCG Bladder-sparing Therapy for Bacillus Calmette-Guérin–unresponsive Non–... sciencedirect.com/science/articl…