Alyssa Harlow, PhD
Epidemiologist passionate about behavioral health and health disparities. Currently studying the public health impact of vaping.
ID: 478838553
30-01-2012 18:30:58
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Join us for our upcoming HBR "Inside Out" Webinar with our very own Dr. Alyssa Harlow Alyssa Harlow, PhD presenting her latest research on polies surrounding cannabis products. Population and Public Health Sciences at USC USC Division of Health Behavior Research Open to all! Register here bit.ly/3UBiiu6

So excited for Thordar Han, one of our student research assistants, who was awarded The Order of the Laurel and the Palm today, the highest honor bestowed on graduates at USC. Institute for Addiction Science at USC USC REBEL Research

Excited for FDA Tobacco CTP Director Dr. Brian King who will be visiting USC May 31 and giving a talk 12pm PT. Will be hybrid and open. Register here: us02web.zoom.us/webinar/regist…

Dr. Brian King - Director of FDA Tobacco - gave an outstanding talk at @usc today on how federal agencies work together to regulate tobacco products and protect the public. Go to Institute for Addiction Science at USC website in a few days to catch the video. ias.usc.edu

đź—Ł Calling all addiction scientists! Join a 2024 The College on Problems of Drug Dependence workshop on team addiction science w/ 5 center directors & NIDA. For those who can't attend, we are crowdsourcing questions to cover live in Q&A and will summarize answers on X after meeting. What do you want to know??

Is vaping is linked to depression? 🧠Our new AJE study finds that young adults who avoid or stop vaping are at lower risk of developing new clinically significant depression symptoms. Jess Barrington-Trimis Adam Leventhal Andrew Stokes Dae Hee Han academic.oup.com/aje/advance-ar…

Our new article revealed that adolescents who use cannabis (smoking, vaping, and edible) may be at elevated risk for persistent nicotine use. Alyssa Harlow, PhD Jess Barrington-Trimis Adam Leventhal sciencedirect.com/science/articl…

You're Invited! Drs. Jess Barrington-Trimis and Alyssa Harlow, PhD invite you to the official launch party of USC REBEL Research. Come learn about our research and opportunities for collaboration, and network with our researchers. 🗓️Wed. Sept 4 | 12PM ✅Visit our website: rebelresearch.usc.edu

New pub alert! Very happy to have our paper on snus MRTP claim effects published in Tobacco Control. A big thank you to my coauthors including Alyssa Harlow, PhD, Jess Barrington-Trimis & several others! So very appreciative of Adam Leventhal for his mentorship on this project. tobaccocontrol.bmj.com/content/early/…

You're Invited! Drs. Jess Barrington-Trimis and Alyssa Harlow, PhD invite you to the official launch party of USC REBEL Research. Come learn about our research and opportunities for collaboration, and network with our researchers. 🗓️Wed. Sept 4 | 12PM ✅Visit our website: rebelresearch.usc.edu

✨Today Drs. Jessica Barrington-Trimis Jess Barrington-Trimis & Alyssa Harlow, PhD launched REBEL Research! Their lab is committed to advancing #publichealth through behavioral #epidemiology research on #substanceuse. Multiple opportunities for collaboration. Apply today! rebelresearch.usc.edu

What's better than 1 REBEL researcher? TWO! Congrats Alyssa Harlow, PhD & Jess Barrington-Trimis on launching REBEL Research. The lab is committed to advancing public health by investigating youth & young adult substance use & exploring risk factors & consequences of use. rebelresearch.usc.edu

"INSIDE OUT" Webinar Series: You're invited to a talk with Junhan Cho, PhD, the Co-Director of the Data Processing & Analysis Core at the USC Tobacco Center of Regulatory Science USC-TCORS 🗓️Fri Sept. 13 | 12:30PM Register: bit.ly/4e1TodM Keck School of Medicine of USC Genevieve Dunton, PhD, MPH