Columbia Alphas
The Omicron Iota Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Upholding Manly Deeds, Scholarship and Love for All Mankind since 1986.
ID: 701640872
http://www.AlphaOIL.org 17-07-2012 19:36:09
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Columbia Alphas swept this year's SC District Conference awards. Congrats to Vincent A Gatling jr and Gardner Johnson for receiving the Greene and Witherspoon awards. I am honored to represent SCALPHAStrong as this year's Outstanding Alumni Brother. 🤙🏾

Columbia Alphas kicking off it's first Alpha Academy session on College Preparation. Thanks to Ray Jones from the SC Student Loan Organization for the great information on financial aid. #Mentorship #onwardandupward

Congratulations to one of my former Alpha Academy Beaux Trey Williams on becoming a Marine! Im so proud of you!!! Columbia Alphas Richland Northeast HS RNE Counseling Richland Northeast

The brothers of Columbia Alphas at the 88th Regional Convention. United and proud to represent SCALPHAStrong 🤙🏾

Congratulations to our Alpha Beauxs for completing the Empowering KINGS curriculum. #FromPawnsToKings #AlphaAcademy #AlphaOil #OmicronIotaLambda #ΟΙΛ #ΑΦΑ Fact Forward

There goes an Alpha Man!!! Congratulations Bro. Brian J. Gaines, new Comptroller General for the state of South Carolina. Brian becomes the First African American Constitutional Office Holder in South Carolina since reconstruction. b.gaines.06 Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. ® The Southern Region of @apa1906network