Alli Gokeler
Post-doc Dept. Applied Neuroscience Exerc & Sports University Paderborn. Amsterdam Collaboration Health Safety Sports, Amsterdam UMC
ID: 140413907
https://motorlearninginstitute.com 05-05-2010 12:36:45
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Why join our world-class webinar with Dr. Rob Gray? Rob is: 🎙️ Host of Perception & Action Podcast Rob Gray ⚾️👁 📚Author of "How We Learn to Move" & "Learning to Optimize Movement" bit.ly/3vzHjHT 🥎 Skill Acq Specialist Red Sox 👨🏽💻 Sign up = easy: motorlearninginstitute.com/portal/webinar…

UK Based Physiotherapists please consider participating,share your experience & clinical value to this research project 🧠 🦵🏻🦵🏻 Enda King PhD Erik Meira🦩 Uzo Ehiogu Alli Gokeler Ben Cormack David Breen Dr Claire Minshull Stephen McAleer Dr Alison Grimaldi PeterMalliaras Colin Forde

Got the chance to present one of our projects at #MonacoConference2024 📈😊 Lab screening may lack validity, let’s go the field if we want to better understand how athletes move (there)! Human Movement Sciences/Bewegingswetenschappen Movella Health & Sports | Xsens

🎬 Donderdag hadden we bij FC Groningen weer bezoek van NOS Sport en NOS Jeugdjournaal om reportages te maken over ons ZonMw onderzoek #preventie #VKB #blessure bij #voetbal meiden. ⚽️ Uitzending volgt vanavond 17 maart op NPO 1 & NPO 3. #sport #gezondheid #prestatie #plezier

🆕"The most frequent non contact ACL injury was related to pressing, during which the opponent made a deceiving action, which suggested poor inhibitory control of the defender" 👉Alli Gokeler Filippo Tosarelli Matt Buckthorpe Francesco Della Villa MD 2024 📂Open Access: meridian.allenpress.com/jat/article/59…

Nog meer leuks om te delen! 🤗 📷 OOG Groningen heeft een rapportage gemaakt over ons onderzoek ⚽🦵 Human Movement Sciences/Bewegingswetenschappen Anne Benjaminse Instituut voor Sportstudies Hanze Groningen oogtv.nl/2024/04/specia…

▶️ Considering i.e. : "Errors in motor-response inhibitory control and attentional inhibition were common during non-contact ACL injury events in professional male soccer players" 👉Alli Gokeler Filippo Tosarelli Matt Buckthorpe Francesco Della Villa MD 2024 📂Open Access: meridian.allenpress.com/jat/article/59…

Can't attend Isokinetic Conference conference in Madrid this weekend? Me neither!😡 That's okay! We didn't want to miss an opportunity to share our work, so you can watch our recorded presentation online for free! youtube.com/watch?v=ShjbKF…

Science 🌉 Practice... 🌉 Happiness! Thank you #isok24! Are more words needed on this amazing Isokinetic Conference conference? Excellent speakers, innovation, friendly environment... Who wants seconds? ⏩ ⏩ Madrid 2025

Scan QR code and check out our new article in MDPI. #football #footballmed #footballscience #acl #injury #prevention #womensfootball #womenshealth Eline Nijmeijer Alli Gokeler Stefano Di Paolo