Alabama State Department of Education
The Alabama State Department of Education is the state agency for K-12 education. #AlabamaAchieves
ID: 224253810
http://www.alsde.edu 08-12-2010 14:57:50
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Don’t miss Alabama Public Television’s Capitol Journal tonight as Todd Stacy and I discuss the upcoming school year

Great back-to-school kickoff this morning with the Alabama State Department of Education staff — our staff works hard throughout the year to support our schools and I sincerely appreciate all they do each and every day. Thank you!!

Enjoyed speaking to the Montgomery Rotary International Club today — appreciate the support the members show to our schools and community

TOURING BPA WITH THE STATE SUPERINTENDENT: Today, State Superintendent Eric Mackey toured Baldwin Preparatory Academy along with members of the media, BCBE Superintendent Eddie Tyler, BCBE staff, local leaders, AL State School Board Member Mrs. Jackie Zeigler. #baldwinproud

Great being part of Governor Kay Ivey’s Bill Signing Ceremony today — I sincerely appreciate the continued support and commitment of education in our state from Governor Kay Ivey and the Alabama Legislature

Great visit to the Decatur City Schools’s new Career Academies of Decatur — this school provides pathways for the 270 full time as well as CTE students from local high schools to obtain credentials & practical experience so students are prepared to enter the workforce upon graduation

Appreciate Scott Mayo with Cook Museum of Natural Science giving me a tour of the museum this afternoon and the #STEM opportunities available to students of all ages

This morning, Governor Kay Ivey and I presented Cognia’s Visionary Leadership Award to Walter, Superintendent of Jefferson County Schools — congratulations Dr Gonsoulin!

At this afternoon’s State Board Retreat, Albertville City Schools presented #ALBOE Members with a commemorative photo celebrating Albertville High School’s Aggie Band participation in the 135th Rose Parade in Pasadena, California in January of this year. #AlabamaAchieves #WeTeachAlabama