Akhetonics (@akhetonics) 's Twitter Profile


We are creating the first all-optical RISC processor | #Photonics

ID: 1292126785661014017

linkhttp://www.akhetonics.com calendar_today08-08-2020 15:53:43

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76 Following

Akhetonics (@akhetonics) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are excited to announce that we have raised our first funding round led by Rheingau Founders and joined by Runa Capital! Thank you for believeing in our mission! #funding #deeptech #photonics #opticalcomputing

Akhetonics (@akhetonics) 's Twitter Profile Photo

But that isn't the only good news. Leonardo Del Bino is joining as Co-Founder! Together, we are on a path to create the first all-optical digital processors, bringing the dream of ecological high-performance computing one step closer. #photonics #opticalcomputing

Benjamin Wolba (@benjaminwolba) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Optical computers used to be a matter of science fiction movies, like the control crystals in Stargate. Now Akhetonics makes them a reality – developing the world's first all-optical processor. #FutureOfComputing Rheingau Founders Runa Capital future-of-computing.com/akethonics-sha…

Quantum Business Network (QBN) (@qbn_network) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New QBN member Akhetonics is a start-up based and founded in Germany in 2021. Their in-house developed photonic design automation tools and all-optical logic gates is a unique position to develop the first all-optical digital computation devices. quantumbusinessnetwork.de/new-qbn-member…

SPRIND - Bundesagentur für Sprunginnovationen (@sprind) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Wir unterstützen Akhetonics bei der Entwicklung eines optischen Prozessors. Einsatzpotential und Hebelwirkung für einen solchen Chip sind riesig sprind.org/de/projekte/ak…

Wir unterstützen <a href="/Akhetonics/">Akhetonics</a> bei der Entwicklung eines optischen Prozessors. Einsatzpotential und Hebelwirkung für einen solchen Chip sind riesig sprind.org/de/projekte/ak…
Akhetonics (@akhetonics) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today is the Day of #Photonics. Not your regular holiday, but to us it means we celebrate a new technology with the potential to revolutionize the way we think about computing.

German Entrepreneurship (@gentrepreneur_) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Meet our winners of yesterday's #Cashwalk! Fifty #startups pitched virtually in front of #investors, six won in their respective categories one won a special award from HumanE AI Net. Thank you to all participating startups, investors, jury members, moderators, and guests!

Meet our winners of yesterday's #Cashwalk!
Fifty #startups pitched virtually in front of #investors, six won in their respective categories one won a special award from HumanE AI Net.
Thank you to all participating startups, investors, jury members, moderators, and guests!
Akhetonics (@akhetonics) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The electronic transistor is now 75 years old and kickstarted an entire generation of Tech. Time to reignite that flame using optics! #photonics #opticalcomputing

c't magazin (@ctmagazin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Bisherige Prozessoren und Chips sind elektronische Bauelemente. Bald starten photonische Chips, über die wir im Podcast Bit-Rauschen sprechen: Folge 2023/2. #BitRauschen #Photonik #Prozessoren heise.de/-7249789

Akhetonics (@akhetonics) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Have a listen at the Bitrauschen Podcast (german) with one of our Founders on the topic of Optical Computing! heise.de/meinung/Bit-Ra… #photonics #opticalcomputing

FI CODE (@fi_code) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Mit seiner Idee zu einem rein-photonischen Hochleistungsprozessor für die homomorphe Verschlüsselung von Daten konnte Dr. Michael Kissner (Michael Kissner) die Jury überzeugen und sich den 1. Platz bei der #Innovationstagung sichern. Wir gratulieren zu diesem Erfolg! #code2023

Mit seiner Idee zu einem rein-photonischen Hochleistungsprozessor für die homomorphe Verschlüsselung von Daten konnte Dr. Michael Kissner (<a href="/Spellwrath/">Michael Kissner</a>) die Jury überzeugen und sich den 1. Platz bei der #Innovationstagung sichern. Wir gratulieren zu diesem Erfolg! #code2023
Akhetonics (@akhetonics) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Follow us on our journey to create the first all-optical CPU! #photonics #opticalcomputing techcrunch.com/2023/07/25/akh…

Akhetonics (@akhetonics) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are happy to announce our project to create the first All-Optical Analog to Digital Converter (OADC) for high bandwidth, low power and near latency-free signal processing! A vital step to realize our Optical Computer and we are glad to receive support from the EU and Investitionsbank Berlin!

We are happy to announce our project to create the first All-Optical Analog to Digital Converter (OADC) for high bandwidth, low power and near latency-free signal processing! A vital step to realize our Optical Computer and we are glad to receive support from the EU and <a href="/PR_ibb/">Investitionsbank Berlin</a>!