Adela Cebeiro
PhD student in Anthropology - @nyuanthro & @TheRealNYCEP // "La Caixa" Fellow // MPhil - @UCamArchaeology // BA - @UCLarchaeology ~ she/her
ID: 1586715421
11-07-2013 20:04:40
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Happy to announce that our paper about the new Galician PUD has been published on ACL Anthology (…). It will be presented this Friday at PROPOR 2024. 😊 Albina Sarymsakova
Just wrapping up our participation at the #SAA2024NOLA. Special thanks to Julien Riel-Salvatore, Javier Sánchez-Martínez, Rachel Horowitz, Manuel Alcaraz-Castaño, Jonathan Reeves, Marta Arzarello, Nuno Bicho, Adela Cebeiro, Justin Pargeter, among others, for their fantastic contributions in our session!
Congrats to Felix Devis Kisena on his Wadsworth International Fellowship from Wenner-Gren Foundation ! He will be continuing his training in quantitative #usewear analysis with us in the Anthrotopography Lab.
Today, I did my first seminar talk, "What Monkeys Tell Us about the Origins of Technology in Human Evolution"! I am very grateful to UCT Archaeology for allowing me to share my research with them😁
Hot on the heels of Alexandros Karakostis' paper showing practical experience impacts flake-cutting efficiency, we (Adela Cebeiro Stephanie Levy) present new results demonstrating stone toolmaking energy expenditure differs between novice and expert toolmakers.…
The Ukophula Field Project website is live! After months of dealing with the learning curve of making a website from scratch, I have finally finished! Please, go check it out: Also, massive thanks to Asi Ntsondwa for her help with the launching video🤗