Prof Adam Boddison OBE
CEO @APMProjectMgmt. MD @OnRadarUK. Visiting Prof @StranBelfast & @UniLeicBusiness. All views my own. Connect on linkedin.com/in/adamboddiso…
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What can we learn from Gareth Southgate about #project #management? Check out my latest article in Business Reporter to find out. Association for Project Management business-reporter.co.uk/improving-busi…

Have a read of this insightful piece on the importance of collaboration and net-zero for #project success, published by APM's Andrew Baldwin last week in New Civil Engineer Association for Project Management newcivilengineer.com/opinion/collab…

Thanks Diane Morgan for your kindness and time today talking about #Motherland and #AfterLife. I was excited to show the children our photo and they said, “Ah! Cunk on Earth!”. Absolutely brilliant actress and writer! Thanks again.

We recently released our #ImpactReport #SBSWinnersHour No need to read it as Prof Adam Boddison OBE and Ian Boddison have recorded a video summary... onradar.uk/impact/?orta=2…

Good luck to our shortlist for the Specialist School of the Year! Our winners will be announced at our awards ceremony on 4th October 2024. Thank you to our category sponsors, Christie & Co

Thanks Srikant Chellappa for inviting me onto the #People #Strategy #Leaders podcast to discuss how #project professionals delivery strategy execution and the concept of the #projectification of leadership. Association for Project Management youtube.com/watch?v=CyrABO…

Would you believe it if I said that in England, during 2023-2024, 1.9 million #potholes were filled in? Well it's true... Find out more about the condition and maintenance of local roads in England in the latest report from the National Audit Office. nao.org.uk/wp-content/upl… Association for Project Management

Lorraine Allman 🌱🦔🐾 #sbswinner & GBEA finalist amanda_butterfly_room BritishCraftHouse We don't enter awards that ask for a fee either... That's why we are so pleased to be in the 8 finalists of over 400 entries in this award #SBSWinnersHour onradar.uk/info/kb/?artid…

Lorraine Allman 🌱🦔🐾 #sbswinner & GBEA finalist Thank you 👍 There's a video on our website that gives more insight into what we do for UK #charities. #SBSWinnersHour onradar.uk/?orta=TW-SBS-2…