ID: 1149367056984367104
11-07-2019 17:17:15
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An impactful project guided by Dr Sue Allingham #Birthto5Matters that is making a huge difference to all of our youngest pupils. Please listen and get in touch if you would like to know more. 👇🏽 #BrainSET #EnablingEnvironment #InspiringBeyondMeasure Astrea Academy Trust Rowena Hackwood Jo Leishman

Transition Visit 6 Behind these doors there is so much warmth. Love visiting WaverleyAcademy Danielle Louise Stanton

Continuing our transition visits Mr Scales and Mr Clark from Astrea Academy Woodfields came to visit pupils about to embark on their next educational journey. Lots of key questions asked about school life including the great enrichment offers. #community #transition

We have loved working with Dr Sue Allingham #Birthto5Matters, our pedagogical approach has been strengthened by her work. #calmbrainthinkingbrain