Victor Aboyans
Preventive & vascular cardiologist Past-chair of ESC WG on Aorta&PVD. Scientific Secretary of French
Cardiac Society.
Editor-in-Chief of the Eur J Prev Card
ID: 953734544078917638
17-01-2018 21:03:29
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All is set in Budapest for advocating for an EU Plan for #CVD to Hungarian and EU health representatives. Exec Service Corps (E.S.C.) we are doing our best to defend the idea of an EU initiative under the Hungarian presidency of the EU. Thank you for this leadership. European Society of Cardiology #HU24EU

Ouverture du Xeme congrès international francophone d’épidémiologie et santé publique Congrès Adelf Epiter 2024 à Ville de Limoges Bravo au Pr Pierre-Marie Preux et toute son équipe Université Limoges Inserm @IRD CHU de Limoges pour l’organisation 👏👏👏

Don't miss the opportunity to submit an abstract or apply for a travel grant and join EuroThrombosis & Eurovessels 2024 in Bologna ! European Society of Cardiology #PAD #Aorta #thrombosis esc365.escardio.org/event/1491

🛑Greater intakes of added sugar-rich carbohydrate foods and sugar-sweetened beverages are associated with higher risk of developing metabolic syndrome 🍰🧃 academic.oup.com/eurjpc/article… European Society of Cardiology Victor Aboyans Silvia Castelletti Francesco Perone Savvas Hadjiphilippou Andrea Gallardo

In a large, multi-ethnic sample without known CVD, higher small dense-LDL-C was associated with the coronary artery calcification of CAC, beyond total LDL-C. academic.oup.com/eurjpc/article… European Society of Cardiology Victor Aboyans Silvia Castelletti Francesco Perone Savvas Hadjiphilippou Andrea Gallardo #cvprev

New #EJVESVA on "Characteristics and prognosis of patients with lower-extremity revascularisation for #PAD in France: insights for implementation of dual pathway inhibition according to the VOYAGER-PAD trial" Victor Aboyans Petar Zlatanović ESVS #CLTI doi.org/10.1016/j.ejvs…

Starting my mandate as #EAPC_ESC President surrounded by wonderful colleagues, members and friends with some #exercise to practice what we preach: #preventivecardiology is the way to go! European Society of Cardiology Prof Michael Papadakis Silvia Castelletti Vass Vassiliou Vasiliki Tsampasian Camille Pfaff Professor Halle

Want know more on the latest 2024 Peripheral artery and aorta diseases #guidelines? Join the September #webinar! European Society of Cardiology European Society of Vascular Medicine Stefano Lanzi Marianne Brodmann esc365.escardio.org/event/1662?utm…

In patients with HFmrEF, treatment with BB, ACEi/ARB/ARNI, and SGLT2i was independently associated with improved risk of all-cause mortality at 30 months 🎯⬆️ academic.oup.com/eurjpc/article… European Society of Cardiology Victor Aboyans Silvia Castelletti Francesco Perone Savvas Hadjiphilippou Andrea Gallardo #cvprev