Proud Superintendent of Indian Prairie School District 204
ID: 1292981439013752840
11-08-2020 00:29:45
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The Grizzlies at Granger have had a great beginning of the school year. I appreciated talking with students and staff this morning. Always a sense of Granger pride when you enter the school. Indian Prairie 204 GrangerMiddleSchool

I enjoyed greeting students as they were dropped off this morning at Brooks ES. The Tigers came in full of energy and ready for learning. Wonderful seeing the new teachers. Indian Prairie 204 Brooks Elementary

Young ES is celebrating its silver anniversary. I was able to stop in and speak with the PTA as they met and talk with students and staff. Way to go Dolphins! Indian Prairie 204 Nancy Young

The Eagles of Steck came back to new floors and the whole building painted. Students shared with me how much they enjoyed the new floors. Staff were pleased. Great first week of school for them. Indian Prairie 204

The White Eagle Wolves are happy to be back in school! Great to see them engaged in active learning. Today was Green Day for kindergarten students. Indian Prairie 204

Today the freshmen Wildcats at Neuqua met together to learn about the Wildcat Way. Great to see this community of learners who will be the Class of 28. Indian Prairie 204 Neuqua Valley High School

The Hawks are flying high at Gail McKinzie HS. Students working hard with staff who care and support the students in innumerable ways! Indian Prairie 204 Gail McKinzie High School

The shiver of Sharks are back at Scullen! I was able to talk with students and staff this morning. After our first week of school all are happy to be back. Indian Prairie 204 Scullen MiddleSchool

It was exciting to see the claw of Panthers at Peterson ES. I saw our students demonstrate flexibility and adaptability which are aspects of our portrait of a graduate. Indian Prairie 204

Crone’s claw of Panthers were hard at work today. Staff feel this year has started off well . Students are happy to be involved and engaged. Indian Prairie 204 Crone PTSA

The Warriors of Waubonsie are celebrating their 49th birthday today! Great to see the students and staff today. Go Warriors! Indian Prairie 204 Waubonsie Valley HS

The Falcons at Fischer are off to a very positive beginning of the school year. I liked being able to interact with a Spanish class this morning. Indian Prairie 204

McCarty Mustangs came back to a new gym floor this year. This morning I was introduced to Ms Figgy a fifth grade turtle. Kindergarten was working hard. Just a wonderful morning at McCarty! Indian Prairie 204

The Hawks at Georgetown came back to a new gym floor, some new floors in Kindergarten, and a library that is being redesigned. It all looks great. Students were hard at work. Great morning here! Indian Prairie 204 GeorgetownIPSD204

My last school to visit as part of the opening of the 24-25 school year was Gombert. Great to see the Gators this morning. They came back to a new gym floor. They are off to a wonderful start. Indian Prairie 204 Gombert Elementary

Today our principals met with PTA presidents to share ideas and strengthen the positive relationship between schools and parents. Great sharing and collaboration. Indian Prairie 204

Great turn out at the PTA meeting for Cowlishaw tonight. It is their first meeting of the year. Wonderful to see the parents and students attend the meeting. Collaboration at work. Indian Prairie 204 Cowlishaw Elementary School

Tonight it was wonderful engaging with parents at the PTSA meeting at Hill MS. Everyone was full of positive energy. Indian Prairie 204

This morning for our Parent University parents and community members learned about restorative practices. Happy to see those who attended. Thanks to our staff for arranging the event. Indian Prairie 204

We congratulate Neuqua Valley HS being named a National Blue Ribbon School by the Department of Education. This is the second time the school has received this recognition with the first time in 2017. Well done to the staff and students. Indian Prairie 204 Neuqua Valley High School