APHA Environment Section (@aphaenvironment) 's Twitter Profile
APHA Environment Section


American Public Health Association; Environment Section.

ID: 211171312

linkhttps://apha.org/apha-communities/member-sections/environment calendar_today02-11-2010 14:36:50

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Kelley Dennings (@kdennings) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Join @CtrForBioDiv and Nurses for Sexual & Reproductive Health on Sept 8 for a webinar about how toxic chemicals and #climatechange impede #reproductivejustice and solutions to advance reproductive and #environmentalhealth. Register for the webinar here - bit.ly/3A3Ev8o

Join @CtrForBioDiv and <a href="/NursesforSRH/">Nurses for Sexual & Reproductive Health</a> on Sept 8 for a webinar about how toxic chemicals and #climatechange impede #reproductivejustice and solutions to advance reproductive and #environmentalhealth. Register for the webinar here - bit.ly/3A3Ev8o
Michigan Sierra Club (@michigansierra) 's Twitter Profile Photo

You won't want to miss the upcoming Sierra Club Forum this Wednesday. The Michigan Chapter's own Christy McGillivray will be speaking about updates on #Line5 and you can also hear from leadership at Texas Sierra Club and Massachusetts Sierra Club. RSVP today! ow.ly/MblV50KuRJm

You won't want to miss the upcoming Sierra Club Forum this Wednesday. The Michigan Chapter's own Christy McGillivray will be speaking about updates on #Line5 and you can also hear from leadership at <a href="/TexasSierraClub/">Texas Sierra Club</a> and <a href="/MassSierraClub/">Massachusetts Sierra Club</a>. RSVP today! ow.ly/MblV50KuRJm
APHA Environment Section (@aphaenvironment) 's Twitter Profile Photo

šŸ”Š The American APHA Association is a champion for human health & the environment. We thank them for declaring gas stoves a public health concern and supporting the movement to #ProtectOurAir. Full & final statement available Jan ā€˜23. #GasStove #APHA2022

CAP Energy Policy (@capenergypolicy) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today - after months of delay - U.S. EPA released new #soot pollution standards for the 1st time in 10 YEARS. But the new soot pollution levels they are proposing still fails to mitigate the deadly impacts of soot pollution: epa.gov/pm-pollution/pā€¦

APHA Environmental Health (@eh_4_all) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Join APHA Environment Section, WE ACT for EJ and RMI for a webinar on the health benefits of switching from gas to electric stoves. Set for reminders for May 26, 1pm ET and join using this link: apha.zoom.us/j/83813601898 #EnvironmentalJustice

Join <a href="/APHAEnvironment/">APHA Environment Section</a>, <a href="/weact4ej/">WE ACT for EJ</a> and RMI for a webinar on the health benefits of switching from gas to electric stoves.
Set for reminders for May 26, 1pm ET and join using this link: apha.zoom.us/j/83813601898
APHA Environment Section (@aphaenvironment) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Get ready for the summer #heat with #APHA! For childrenā€™s day-to-day activities, consult the Heat Index ā€“ a measure of how hot it really feels when relative humidity is factored in with the actual air temperature. weather.gov/safety/heat-inā€¦ #ChildrensHealth

Get ready for the summer #heat with #APHA! For childrenā€™s day-to-day activities, consult the Heat Index ā€“ a measure of how hot it really feels when relative humidity is factored in with the actual air temperature. weather.gov/safety/heat-inā€¦ #ChildrensHealth