The American Journal of Public Health. Voted one of the 100 Most Influential Journals in Biology & Medicine over the last 100 Years.
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#SoonInAJPH "Preinjury and event-related characteristics of pediatric firearm injuries: the American College of Surgeons Firearm Study—United States, March 2021-February 2022" Katy Flynn-O’Brien, MD MPH Meera Kotagal Lauren Agoubi

#SoonInAJPH "Optimizing Wastewater Surveillance: The Necessity of Standardized Reporting and Proficiency for Public Health" Ishi Keenum Dr. Devrim Kaya Alshae Logan-Jackson, Ph.D. Adam G

#SoonInAJPH "The Health of the Hispanic/Latino Population in the US: Looking Forward" This special issue highlights the need for an in-depth examination of the diversity of this population to accurately understand their health needs. Luisa N. Borrell @lborrell.bsky.social Cynthia Lebron, PhD, MPH

Hot off the press! Factors related to pediatric firearm injuries from the ACS Firearm Study. Check out the missing data analysis, highlighting the importance of complete data. How can we do better? AJPH Dr. Chethan Sathya, MD MSCE Meera Kotagal ACS COT ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/10.2105/AJ…

New pub! 🚨 In this AJPH piece, Casey Adrian from Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research, Stacey Shipe, PhD & I call for a focus on #HIV #prevention, specifically related to #PrEP, among foster care youth. Read here: ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/10.2105/AJ… nyupublichealth NYU Silver CDUHR

#SoonInAJPH "Advancing, Prioritizing, and Uplifting Equitable Strategies to Improve Black Women’s Reproductive Health and Sexuality Wellness" Dr. Tiara C. Willie

Check out a new video abstract on PrEP uptake among Spanish-speaking transgender women by Scott D. Rhodes (he/him): buff.ly/3TtX2W7