A.I. Virtanen Institute
A.I. Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences @UniEastFinland is a research institute focusing on brain diseases, cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
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https://www.uef.fi/aivi 18-05-2017 13:18:34
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A warm welcome to the CVD Research Community Symposium 2024! All UEF or KUH researchers interested in Recent Innovations in #CVD Mechanisms and Treatments, see you next Monday at noon in KUH Auditorium 1!🫀 University of Eastern Finland UEF Doctoral Programme in Molecular Medicine A.I. Virtanen Institute UEF - Public Health and Clinical Nutrition UEF ClinMed #UEF_CVDRC

Celebrating the successful PhD defense of Heidi Pulkkinen from GroupLaakkonen today! Huge congratulations! It was a pleasure to attend such an engaging defense, led by opponent Pipsa Saharinen. UEF Doctoral Programme in Molecular Medicine

Happy to participate in #HeatNet meeting in beautiful ☀️🌴 Cadiz and present our work on #AD and #FTD and meet old and new colleagues. Haapasalo Lab Hiltunen Lab A.I. Virtanen Institute UEF Institute of Biomedicine UEF Neuro-Innovation UEF Doctoral Programme in Molecular Medicine UEF Neuroscience FinFTD Kuopio Brain & Mind

What a great thesis defense!!Very proud of my Ph.D. student Heidi Pulkkinen Huge congrats!! 🎓 And thank you so much opponent Pipsa Saharinen for superinteresting discussion. #proudsupervisor #PhDdefense #CVD_RC UEF Doctoral Programme in Molecular Medicine A.I. Virtanen Institute

Come next Monday to our Cardiovascular Research Community Symposium! Where: KUH auditorium 1, Kuopio. When: Mon 9.9 at 12. #UEFCVD_RC UEF Doctoral Programme in Molecular Medicine A.I. Virtanen Institute University of Eastern Finland UEF ClinMed UEF Institute of Biomedicine

Our posters up at #EEC2024 Rome #epm1 Janina Gunnar et al, #multimodalimaging Mastaneh Torkamani Azar et al and #rapidseizuretermination Eugen Trinka et al EpiCARE UEF Neuroscience Pohjois-Savon hyvinvointialue ILAE

What a talented and diverse line up of CVD researchers! A warm thank you to all speakers and attendees at our CVD Research Community Symposium today! Such exciting research straight from Eastern Finland. A.I. Virtanen Institute UEF_Farmasia School of Pharmacy UEF ClinMed UEF Doctoral Programme in Molecular Medicine University of Eastern Finland

We had a wonderful Cardiovascular Research Community Symposium today! I was happy to give a talk about SMC plasticity in aortic aneurysms. If you study CVDs University of Eastern Finland and would like to join contact our RC coordinator. uef.fi/en/research-co… A.I. Virtanen Institute UEF ClinMed

Catch up on all of the latest ATVB author interviews, commentary, and more HERE ⬇️ ahajrnls.org/3SUzucy #atvbnet #digitalstratagiesteam #atvb GroupLaakkonen Dr. Mabruka Alfaidi Suellen D`Arc Oliveira Hanrui Zhang

Laaja harvinaissairauksien tutkimusallianssi ERDERA aloitti Horizon Europe🇪🇺 tuella! Prof. Seppo Ylä-Herttuala on mukana kehittämässä geeninsiirtomenetelmiä harvinaisiin sydän- ja verisuonitauteihin, geenilääketuotantoa ja uusinta geenikirurgiaa. Ylä-Herttuala Lab uef.fi/fi/artikkeli/h…

Congratulations to our lab's newest PhD, Dr. Ilakya Selvarajan, for her great achievement! Your dedication is inspiring! A big thank you to the opponent Helena Kilpinen ([email protected]) for engaging discussion. Looking for the evening party 🥳 UEF Doctoral Programme in Molecular Medicine

Kaikkonen Lab Ilakya Selvarajan UEF Doctoral Programme in Molecular Medicine Thank you Minna for the invite and Ilakya Selvarajan for the great discussion today. It was a pleasure to take part in your special day!

Please check our latest findings related to effects of PLCG2 variant on AD pathology UEF Neuroscience Suomen Akatemia | Research Council of Finland Protective variant in PLCgamma2 mitigates Alzheimer's disease associated pathology via enhancing beneficial microglia functions biorxiv.org/content/10.110…

The PhD study of Natallie Kajevu, MSc, aimed to identify treatments that can be repurposed to improve recovery after traumatic brain injury - with some promising results. PhD defence on 27 Sep 2024 in Kuopio, live stream online. UEF Doctoral Programme in Molecular Medicine UEF Neuroscience uef.fi/en/article/doc…

Fun networking & fruitful discussions ESCS2024 in Turku with keynote speakers Elo Lab & Sampsa Hautaniemi. It has been a pleasure organizing the symposium with Tiziana Ricciardelli, Catalina Valdivia, Meg, Nazeefa 🐝 & Wim Cuypers, supported by ISCB Student Council #ESCS2024 #Bioinformatics