Arbeitsgruppe Kardiovaskuläre Regeneration (AG 31)
X-Account der Arbeitsgruppe Kardiovaskuläre Regeneration (AG 31) – Cluster G der @DGK_org. Impressum & DS: bit.ly/DGK_i & bit.ly/DGK_d
ID: 1491422033514803200
https://dgk.org/ueber-uns/arbeitsgruppen/ag31-kardiovaskulaere-regeneration/ 09-02-2022 14:42:02
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Our #PaperOfTheWeek from Sarah Dick “define[s] the existence of three murine macrophage subpopulations based on common life cycle properties and core gene signatures and provide[s] a common starting point to understand tissue macrophage heterogeneity.” 🤩 doi.org/10.1126/sciimm…

Rene Laennec Lecture in Clinical Cardiology Awardee Carolyn Lam giving an impressive talk on HFpEF #ESCCongress

The day at #ESCCongress starts with space exploration and the inspirational talk from Angelique Van Ombergen. Best of all: European Space Agency is still looking for cardiologists - so grab your chance! 🫀🚀👩🚀 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kardiologie European Society of Cardiology

It's about time: Beyond the reductionist cardiomyocentric view of cardiac disease. Beautiful & stage-setting review by Eldad Tzahor & Stefanie Dimmeler in Science Magazine on the microenvironmental cellular (angiocrine) & ECM crosstalk in the heart: science.org/doi/10.1126/sc…. Must read!

Es gibt wieder was auf die Ohren 🎧 ⚠️Brandneue Folge auf unser Spotlightseite! Gast: Christian Veltmann mit den 5 besten EKG Life Hacks und warum die AGEP auch schon für Berufsanfänger interessant ist! Feedback gerne hier oder an die beiden Hosts Victoria Johnson + Tobias Tichelbäcker

Arbeitsgruppe Kardiovaskuläre Regeneration (AG 31) session at the #DGKHerztage …. From iPS cells to adipocytes and obesity! Great talks and vivid discussion for our last session! Thanks for being there…

#DGKHerztage Poster Price… congratulations to our Arbeitsgruppe Kardiovaskuläre Regeneration (AG 31) members Laura and Eric for their great achievement!