ID: 1052335255221239808
https://liquipedia.net/apexlegends/9impulse 16-10-2018 23:07:31
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GIVEAWAY REDRAFT 🥸 15200 COINS TOTAL🔸4 WINNERS🔸4350x3 + 2150x1 🔥 🎟 Requirements: 1. Follow Aurora Apex 2. Like❤️+ Retweet🔁 ⏳ Results at 14 August
Welcome Aurora Apex To the Code Freedom: The Storm! 9impulse // ojrein // kazakh Coach: AURORA Wrugb 🤙
Dear Electronic Arts Shahin Kanafchian Apex Legends Esports John We are in a moment of despair, and we ask you to meet us halfway and give us the opportunity to play LAN in Mannheim from home. Apparently our organization is still trying to bring us LAN, and we will do everything possible to
🔥 13050 Coins Giveaway 🔥 3 winners • 4350 Coins each 🎟️ To enter: 1. Follow Aurora Apex 2. Like ❤️ + Repost 🔁 Results at September 30th 🏆