co 2027 DE for football North 6.1ft Bw 230lbs bench315 lbs squat 405lbs for 4 vertical 29inch 40 yard 4.9
ID: 1579475544084779009
10-10-2022 14:15:10
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Had an amazing 2022 season with Football North 🇨🇦 Flight Club Academy here is my full season season highlight tape
315lbs at 14/co2027 Football North 🇨🇦 Flight Club Academy putting in the of season work #football #ofseason #de #squat
New bench PR 295lbs at 14 years old Football North 🇨🇦 Flight Club Academy #bench #football #offseasonwork #co2027
Thank you for the visit Eastern Michigan Football Bo Alexander Sean Coughlin Jeffrey Collett Flight Club Academy Football North 🇨🇦 for the awesome visit!!!
Class of 2027/14 years old (405lbs for 4‼️ Football North 🇨🇦 Flight Club Academy #classof2027 #springseason #squat
First game of the season against bonner prendie (co2027) Football North 🇨🇦 Flight Club Academy #football #co2027 #fbseason
Freshman year mid season highlight tape 6ft1 225lbs DL/te bench 315lbs squat 415 lbs Football North 🇨🇦 Flight Club Academy #co2027 #football #dl
First 3 game highlights (Imhotep, Life Christian Academy, Virginia Academy) Football North 🇨🇦 Jamie Lalonde Edgar García
Here are my highlights from my week 4 game vs Mt Zion Prep! Edgar García Flight Club Academy Jamie Lalonde Football North 🇨🇦