Phinnieus Jay (@46114d830e6f474) 's Twitter Profile
Phinnieus Jay


I'm an artist in all mediums and I love to both play and listen to music. a spiritual guide of sorts. currently living in Washington state and have no real edu

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Phinnieus Jay (@46114d830e6f474) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It's downright hilarious you have put so much of yourself onto me. Now the other thing about being me is between a huge dick, and good looks I've been able to skate by in ĺife more so then most people. Not that my actions would change much. I dont care about success or money

Phinnieus Jay (@46114d830e6f474) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Money is only worth what little it can get you and fortunately for me most of what I want or need is cheep. But my talents are worth fortunes. As are my ideas and discovies. That In itself affords me the ability to basically make my own demands on anything anywhere at anytime.

Phinnieus Jay (@46114d830e6f474) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I dont want or need anyone for help on my business or pages as due to the individuals who have over stepped. There is no need for anyone or anything to help. The people who ceased part of my business will get nothing as there is no business to be had now. I quit.

Phinnieus Jay (@46114d830e6f474) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I dont have any friends. No joke. I have leaches. Fakes. Losers who need shit from me. People who never so much as ask me if I'm OK. So get over it. No not hungry. Not even a little. A little more what nothing that's what. Never not some not a little nothing.

Phinnieus Jay (@46114d830e6f474) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I watched as you went through every smoker online,and convinced everyone of something. Whatever something they needed to take action in their life. Each one finally jumped up and ran to Whatever bullshit they needed to be happy and possibly quit drugs. Smh. I hate life coaches

Phinnieus Jay (@46114d830e6f474) 's Twitter Profile Photo

There is nothing anyone can provide me.i seem to do fine But what would I need you for? I dont have a website, I dont want one either,What money,I hate the shit. Nothing. With money comes taxes,thieves,resent,it's only there to impress people who aren't worth impressing

Phinnieus Jay (@46114d830e6f474) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Everyone has life fucked up. Their priorities fucked up. What the hell does all that extra money do? It makes people feel like it's OK to get fat while others starve. They kill for it. Destroy earth for it. Waste life doing jobs they hate to buy shit they don't need.

Phinnieus Jay (@46114d830e6f474) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Seems to me it only makes a man soft and incapable of being truly stable. Stable in himself and in his ability. Rich men can't fish. Nor can they hunt or track or trap. They can't run or fight. They can't work. HAVE ALL the resources and do nothing with them.

Phinnieus Jay (@46114d830e6f474) 's Twitter Profile Photo

There are men who embezzled billions and trillions of dollars just to buy more stuff. Do you have a clue what a trillion dollars is capable of? How many fucking cars can a person possibly need. That money could have stopped all the problems in every war torn country in the world

Phinnieus Jay (@46114d830e6f474) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The church alone makes more then enough money every year to afford world peace. People only get violent when they get desperate. Why make people desperate. What makes your hour worth more then mine. I work 3 times harder times more. I still educate myself and still contribute

Phinnieus Jay (@46114d830e6f474) 's Twitter Profile Photo

People like Steven hawking got paid huge amounts of money to think up the shit I solved in a. Week. Giving away my knowledge to the world is help. In ways you can't possibly believe. That's the furthering of mankind in ways you never could have. Which keeps you idiots employed

Phinnieus Jay (@46114d830e6f474) 's Twitter Profile Photo

What part of o don't want your fucking job didn't you get. I DON'T WORK YOU! I DON'T WANT A BUSINESS. I DON'T LIKE YOU. FUCK OFF AND DIE!!! I gave my ideas away for a reason. Because there's people better suited for taking care of them. That doesn't mean I need a provider.

Phinnieus Jay (@46114d830e6f474) 's Twitter Profile Photo

And yeah I proved quantum theory in what 3 different ways now. As well as the infinite world, that we are our own God. Projection theory, string țheory all within a couple of year and then a week. Youve done nothing but abuse me. You only want money.

Phinnieus Jay (@46114d830e6f474) 's Twitter Profile Photo

What the fuck else do you want from me. Huh? Morons. Stop trying. Except you are Morons. You think you can just abuse me and then tell me to be nice your fucked up in the head if you think that. What did you think was going to happen. I'd enjoy going out and talking to people?

Phinnieus Jay (@46114d830e6f474) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Quite the opposite thanks. I went from someone who enjoyed doing to someone who fucking hates people again. No not in. Not even remotely interested. No. No. No. How many times do I have to say that. Retards.

Phinnieus Jay (@46114d830e6f474) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Look I'm not trying to hide from transgender women or people who are reasonably kind hell I was with a transgender women most of last night and all this morning in public. The only people I was avoiding was the abusive disrespectful pb and MTV shit heads