ā„š•šš•„esh (@3d_india) 's Twitter Profile


į“°Ź³įµ‰įµƒįµįµ‰Ź³ įµ’į¶  į“°Ź³įµ‰įµƒįµĖ¢ ā±āæ Ā³įµˆāø“ į“¹įµ‰Ė¢Ė¢įµ‰āæįµįµ‰Ź³ įµ’į¶  į”†ā±Ė”įµ’āø“ Ā³įµˆ įµ–Ź°įµ’įµ—įµ’įµŹ³įµƒįµ–Ź°įµ‰Ź³āø“ Ź°įµ’įµįµ‰įµįµƒįµįµ‰Ź³āø“ įµ€Ź³įµ‰įµįµįµ‰Ź³āø“ į“¬įµˆā±įµ›įµƒĖ¢ā±āø“ į“¬į¶œįµ—ā±įµ›ā±Ė¢įµ—āø“ įµƒŹ³įµ‰ Ė¢įµ’įµįµ‰ įµ’į¶  įµ—Ź°įµ‰ Ė”įµƒįµ‡įµ‰Ė”Ė¢ įµā±įµ›įµ‰āæ įµ‡Źø įµ’įµ—Ź°įµ‰Ź³Ė¢ įµ—įµ’ įµįµ‰ā€§ šŸ™‚ įµ‚Ź°įµ’ įµƒįµ į“µ?

ID: 805820

calendar_today02-03-2007 09:57:08

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1,1K Following

Rocky Singh (@rockymeranaam69) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Itā€™s one of the most photogenic Indian Birds and finds its place on the cover of most Indian Bird books. The Indian Courser is all poise and charm. A bit of love and theyā€™ll let you get very close ā€¦ IndiAves #Birds #Indianbirds #birdphotography #IndianCourser pic - Rocky Singh

Itā€™s one of the most photogenic Indian Birds and finds its place on the cover of most Indian Bird books. The Indian Courser is all poise and charm. A bit of love and theyā€™ll let you get very close ā€¦ <a href="/IndiAves/">IndiAves</a> #Birds #Indianbirds #birdphotography #IndianCourser pic - Rocky Singh
Mumbai | | Paused (@sloganmurugan) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Oppressor caste people itch to know the caste/religion of another indian before anything else and place them in the hierarchy their parents whispered and cemented in their ears. Their newspaper - The Times of India headlines expresses their world view.

Oppressor caste people itch to know the caste/religion of another indian before anything else and place them in the hierarchy their parents whispered and cemented in their ears.   Their newspaper - The Times of India headlines expresses their world view.
Katja (@k_pawlowska) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#GoodMorning and have a happy #Friday šŸ˜Š The world around is turning gray but fortunately the chrysanthemums in the garden are holding up bravely šŸ˜ #SongOfTheDay is a song that just caught my ear - "Michel" šŸŽ¶ youtu.be/zjYPnmeH14g?siā€¦ #FlowersOnFriday

#GoodMorning and have a happy #Friday šŸ˜Š

The world around is turning gray  but fortunately the chrysanthemums in the garden are holding up bravely šŸ˜ 

#SongOfTheDay is a song that just caught my ear - "Michel" šŸŽ¶

Viktoryia (@vikiyakimush) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Good morning! Happy Friday to you all! šŸŒø #FlowersOnFriday While looking through photos, I came across this flower - Umbrella flower (lat. Butomus umbellatus) #FlowerPhotography šŸ“ø

Good morning! Happy Friday to you all! šŸŒø
While looking through photos, I came across this flower - Umbrella flower (lat. Butomus umbellatus) #FlowerPhotography šŸ“ø
steve@thebatchpatch (@thebatchpatch1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#FridayFinds #FlowersOnFriday #WildFlowers A flowering Wild Carrot and a Wild Carrot seedhead both captured this mid November morning during a bimble across the fields.

#FridayFinds #FlowersOnFriday #WildFlowers
A flowering Wild Carrot and a Wild Carrot seedhead both captured this mid November morning during a bimble across the fields.
PuNsTeRā„¢ (@pun_starr) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Just an observation: In USA, people who enter the country illegally are called ā€˜illegal immigrantsā€™. In India, they're called ā€˜infiltratorsā€™.

Kajol Srinivasan (@lolrakshak) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The UP state womenā€™s commission wants a ban on male tailors making clothes for women and male barbers cutting women's hair. Now if they can only have males giving birth to other males, UP will become the safest state in the country.