1 Leg Field Specialist
Perfecting the art of Sports Field Management. Stadium Manager/Sports Field Specialist for the Ogden Raptors Baseball Team.
ID: 1639291380668452865
24-03-2023 15:41:59
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We'd like to congratulate our friend Matthew Brown and his crew for helping to attain this honor through their hard work and attention to detail! There are a lot of beautiful ballparks, but it's always nice having this one in our backyard.

One of the best views in all of baseball! Grateful for this opportunity to manage this stadium and field. Ogden Raptors #wannahaveacatch

My favorite diamond dog ever! We went for a walk to a local park after work and Mondo knows where the action happens. Dogs Of Turf

Utah High School All Star Game in Ogden at Lindquist Field. #groundscrewgangsta #onemanshow #SFMA DuraEdge Products

If you’re not doing the stanky leg, are you really fixing the mound right? Mercer Chaiken

I turned around and was pleasantly surprised that all the hard work and stress for months lifted a little today. It may have even made me smile briefly. DuraEdge Products Kelly Bartlett