Kage Warren Moffitt(@MoffittWarren) 's Twitter Profile Photo

@Lop11067846 Jereme45 I'm not suggesting we should. The only thing I need to deal with is your preconceived notion about me for having a nuanced position. I think it is an advanced biology topic that should not be introduced to grade schoolers.

Kage Warren Moffitt(@MoffittWarren) 's Twitter Profile Photo

@Lop11067846 Jereme45 No worries. I agree it is difficult to not get that way. I just wanted to say I have a nuanced position and we can still align on some of the larger discussion. My God loving people are righteously angry and it makes it challenging to remember to love your neighbor.

The Big Kahuna(@kahuna_the) 's Twitter Profile Photo

JustOleMe3 Grace Alexander Mark Joseph Stern 'Conserves that which works' for whom? White, Christian males? And do you care to elaborate on on how 'progressive/leftism' has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of millions?

Adanya(@AdanyaCares) 's Twitter Profile Photo

JustOleMe3 meh @kaytooesq Mark Joseph Stern So, when right-wing extremists control SCOTUS appointees, the doctrine of 'stare decisis' requiring courts to apply the law in the same manner to cases with the same facts, no longer applies. Right?

Adanya(@AdanyaCares) 's Twitter Profile Photo

JustOleMe3 meh @kaytooesq Mark Joseph Stern The reality that Republican/tRumplican/Christo-fascists intentionally pass laws that contravene basic human rights protected by the US Constitution doesn't make sense to me.

Adanya(@AdanyaCares) 's Twitter Profile Photo

JustOleMe3 meh @kaytooesq Mark Joseph Stern My understanding is that the original 1973 SCOTUS decision was based on rights protected under the the First, Fourth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments. The 'zone of privacy' tenet included a woman’s decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy. What has changed?
