Uncle Precious
Fuoye | Educationist | Manchester United | Lover and a Hugger | Volunteer
ID: 2265811867
28-12-2013 11:59:49
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The BIGGEST BATTLE RAP EVENT IN AFRICA, WORD WAR3 is happening on OCT 12 To attend; Visit betano.ng or download the App, register to open an account with promo code “EKO”, Fund your account with N1k Event is Powered by Battle Rap Africa | DayGenius and supported by Betano
Get hyped for THE WORD WAR3 Battle Rap Event hosted by Battle Rap Africa | DayGenius and supported by Betano Shops! To attend, visit betano.ng or download the app, register with promo code “EKO,” and fund your account with N1,000. You could win some BETANO merch at the venue!