Dr. Johannah Vanatta (@johannahvanatta) 's Twitter Profile
Dr. Johannah Vanatta


Superintendent Blackhawk School District linkedin.com/in/johannah-va…

ID: 1582375376285667328

calendar_today18-10-2022 14:17:59

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Dr. Johannah Vanatta (@johannahvanatta) 's Twitter Profile Photo

CVSD hockey team presenting appreciation shirts to teachers that have impacted them! What a way to show sportsmanship and appreciation! #ItsAGreatDayToBeAColt

Chartiers Valley  (@cvsdcolts) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Check out our new community newsletter, CV Happenings! conta.cc/4bcg6PS Sign up to have CV Happenings emailed to your inbox each week. lp.constantcontactpages.com/sl/GmuMLhO

Check out our new community newsletter, CV Happenings! conta.cc/4bcg6PS
Sign up to have CV Happenings emailed to your inbox each week. lp.constantcontactpages.com/sl/GmuMLhO
Dr. Johannah Vanatta (@johannahvanatta) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Had an opportunity to support women’s sports and hopefully instill belief in my daughter at SheBelieves Cup. Heck of a game. USA vs Canada

Had an opportunity to support women’s sports and hopefully instill belief in my daughter at SheBelieves Cup. Heck of a game. USA vs Canada
Dr. Johannah Vanatta (@johannahvanatta) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Honored to spend the past two days with The Forum Western Pennsylvania School Superintendents, University of Pittsburgh learned about empowering minds within our schools.

Honored to spend the past two days with The Forum Western Pennsylvania School Superintendents, University of Pittsburgh learned about empowering minds within our schools.
Dr. Johannah Vanatta (@johannahvanatta) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Welcome Carl Beaver County Sheriff’s Department Therapy dog . He spent some time visiting us at Blackhawk . Thank you for your time and service !

Welcome Carl Beaver County Sheriff’s Department Therapy dog . He spent some time visiting us at Blackhawk . Thank you for your time and service !
Dr. Johannah Vanatta (@johannahvanatta) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Senior awards ceremony for Blackhawks 2024 graduates. Congratulations seniors and thank you sponsors and donors for your philanthropic generosity. #itsagreatdaytobeabhcougar #blackhawkproud

Senior awards ceremony for Blackhawks 2024 graduates. Congratulations seniors and thank you sponsors and donors for your philanthropic generosity. #itsagreatdaytobeabhcougar #blackhawkproud
Dr. Johannah Vanatta (@johannahvanatta) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank you South Fayette School District for sharing your incredible work regarding World of Work. We can’t wait to learn from you :)

Thank you South Fayette School District for sharing your incredible work regarding World of Work. We can’t wait to learn from you :)
Dr. Johannah Vanatta (@johannahvanatta) 's Twitter Profile Photo

instagram.com/p/C-7y8eVR9PZ/… First day of school pics .. Our SROs serving proudly and forming relationships day 1 #blackhawkproud