AllotmentSlim (@allotmentslim) 's Twitter Profile


Allotment Slim does not work on an allotment. Musician. Husband. Father. Son. NHS employee. Dislikes hipsters and dinner party atheism. Likes South East London

ID: 189088411

calendar_today10-09-2010 10:43:39

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AllotmentSlim (@allotmentslim) 's Twitter Profile Photo

What Your Croydon have allowed to happen to the Whitgift Centre reflects how much it cares about its residents. Barwell, Johnson, John Whitgift Foundation et al should be held accountable. What a disgrace.

Jesse Philippe (@jessep4florida) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Elon has stopped engagement with this tweet because it is exposing his strategy, I’ve heard from 3 accounts that they aren’t able to retweet. I’ve been told he can’t stop screen shots however.

Elon has stopped engagement with this tweet because it is exposing his strategy, I’ve heard from 3 accounts that they aren’t able to retweet. I’ve been told he can’t stop screen shots however.
Mukhtar (@i_ammukhtar) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The people who need to take some responsibility for Peter Lynch's death are the ones who were spreading misinformation about the Southport stabber. If it weren't for them. Nobody would've rioted.

Politics For You (@politicoforyou) 's Twitter Profile Photo

BREAKING 🚨🚨🚨 Nigel Farage slams Labour politicians who travel to America to campaign during the presidential election. “It is totally unacceptable and anyone who has ever done it should go to jail.”


Nigel Farage slams Labour politicians who travel to America to campaign during the presidential election. 

“It is totally unacceptable and anyone who has ever done it should go to jail.”
Mikey Smith (@mikeysmith) 's Twitter Profile Photo

When it was revealed around 100 Labour activists had travelled to the US to campaign for Harris, Nigel Farage asked "Who is paying for this?" Mr Farage's trip to 'support' Trump was paid for by Reform UK donor Christopher Harborne, who spent £32,800 on his flights and hotels.

Serenity Seeker 🍒⚪️ (@ianperkins69) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Avi Yemini 1. He’s not a political prisoner 2. He’s not even Tommy Robinson Stephen Yaxley Lennon is currently held in custody for contempt of court. There. Fixed it for you. Did you go to the same journalism night classes as SYL?

Sooz Kempner is going on tour! L I N K I N B I O (@soozuk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Tommy Robinson isn't some salt of the earth man of the people. He's a ex-tanning salon owner who makes his money cry-arsing that he's being persecuted. Laurence Fox is a private schoolboy from an acting dynasty who flounced out of a good career coz he wasn't James Bond.

Sooz Kempner is going on tour! L I N K I N B I O (@soozuk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Nigel Farage is an ex-finance guy who went to a private school that currently costs over £50k a year. They're grifters and chancers and posh brats who project their immense privilege on to people who don't stand for their shenanigans like it's some kind of gotcha.

AllotmentSlim (@allotmentslim) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hey Elon Musk what is it you admire about Putin? The male pattern baldness? The bribery? The delusional belief in a past that isn’t real? The cowardly warmongering when you know it isn’t your son who’s going to get killed?