Shahuu Riza 💛⚖ (@shahuuriza) 's Twitter Profile
Shahuu Riza 💛⚖


WDC member - Henveiru hulhangu #LoyalMDPian “Be the change that you wish to see in the world”

ID: 534743164

calendar_today23-03-2012 21:43:55

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Shahuu Riza 💛⚖ (@shahuuriza) 's Twitter Profile Photo

އެއްވެސް ކުއްަޖަކު ކ.މާލެ ލިޔެގެން ވެސް ކިޔައިގެން ވެސް ގާނޫނާ ހިލާފަ ނުވެވޭތޯ ބަލާތި.

އެއްވެސް ކުއްަޖަކު ކ.މާލެ ލިޔެގެން ވެސް ކިޔައިގެން ވެސް ގާނޫނާ ހިލާފަ ނުވެވޭތޯ ބަލާތި.
Fayyaz Ismail (@faya_i) 's Twitter Profile Photo

On International Day of Democracy we must reaffirm our commitment to democratic values. The journey here is the result of a decades long struggle, but the job is never done. Once again, we are at the crossroads of democratic backsliding. A harsh reminder that these freedoms we

Mayor of Male’ City - Adam Azim (@adamazim) 's Twitter Profile Photo

އާސަހަރާ މިސްކިއް ހުޅުވުމުގެ ތައްޔާރީތަކުގެތެރެއިން. ތަބުރޭޒީ މަގު މަރާމާތުުރުން.

އާސަހަރާ  މިސްކިއް  ހުޅުވުމުގެ  ތައްޔާރީތަކުގެތެރެއިން.  ތަބުރޭޒީ  މަގު  މަރާމާތުުރުން.
Mariya Didi 🇲🇻 (@mariyadidi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Happy Intl Democracy Day! As we celebrate this impt day we are getting reports of Pres Officce reporting Adhadhu to MMC. Brings flashbacks of the Former PPM Govt. My Questions: Q1- Why’s PO getting involved in a bag being carried by an MP from Dr Muizzu’s home to PNC Office

Adhadhu (@adhadhumv) 's Twitter Profile Photo

އަމިއްލަ ދެ ދަރިންނާއި އާއިލާގެ އެހެން ކުއްޖަކަށް ޖިންސީ ގޯނާކުރި ފިރިހެނަކު ހައްޔަރުކޮށްފި

Mayor of Male’ City - Adam Azim (@adamazim) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I am deeply grateful to the Government of China and the Governor of Kunming City for their exceptional hospitality during my participation in the International Alliance of Silk Road Cities. A special thank you to the Chinese Embassy for facilitating this meaningful visit. This

I am deeply grateful to the Government of China and the Governor of Kunming City for their exceptional hospitality during my participation in the International Alliance of Silk Road Cities. A special thank you to the Chinese Embassy for facilitating this meaningful visit.

Fayyaz Ismail (@faya_i) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Despite the challenges re Government of Maldives' foreign policy and ongoing economic mismanagement, it is heartening to see that the strong bilateral relations between the Maldives and India endure. Thank you, India.

Hussain Shafiu (@charly_thuthu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ފެނަކައިގެ 66 މިލިއަން ރުފިޔާގެ ކޭބަލް ޖަރީމާ، ރިޝްވަތުގެ ކަޅު ފައިސާގެ ގޮތުގައި މި ޖަރީމާއިން ފެނަކަ އެމްޑީ Muaz Mohamed Rasheed ގެ ޖީބަށް 26 މިލިއަން! 🔗 🔗…

Nissa Saeed 🇲🇻💛 (@nissasaeed) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Muizzu govt has no real development plan or future vision. Millions wasted on events. ▶️Rasmale failed ▶️Sea & air ambulances failed ▶️Airport dev failed ▶️PayPal failed ▶️Student loans failed ▶️Drone failed. Next up..Bunkering, where they've already invested $20M.

The Muizzu govt has no real development plan or future vision. Millions wasted on events. 
▶️Rasmale failed 
▶️Sea & air ambulances failed 
▶️Airport dev failed 
▶️PayPal failed 
▶️Student loans failed
▶️Drone failed. 
Next up..Bunkering, where they've already invested $20M.
Hussain Shafiu (@charly_thuthu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

އެމްޑީޕީ-ޑިމޮކްރެޓްސް އެއްކޮށްލަން ނަޝީދާ މަޝްވަރާއެއް ނުކުރަން - ރައީސް Ibrahim Mohamed Solih

Shaihan Zareer 🎈❓ (@shaihanzareer) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ރައީސް އޮފީހުން ބޭނުންވާ ވަކި މީޑިއާ ތަކަކަށް ދައުވަތު ދީގެން، ރައީސް މުޢިއްޒު ފުރާވަޑައިގެންނެވި ތަނުގައި ނޫސްވެރިންނާ ބައްދަލު ކުރުމަކީ ބަލައި ގަނެވޭނެ ކަމެއް ނޫން. މި ނޫސްވެރިންގެ ބައްދަލުވުމުގެ ދަޢުވަތު ރައީސް އޮފީހުގެ މީޑިއާ ގުރޫޕުގައި ހިއްސާކޮށްފައެއް ނުވޭ. The President's Office

ރައީސް އޮފީހުން ބޭނުންވާ ވަކި މީޑިއާ ތަކަކަށް ދައުވަތު ދީގެން، ރައީސް މުޢިއްޒު ފުރާވަޑައިގެންނެވި ތަނުގައި ނޫސްވެރިންނާ ބައްދަލު ކުރުމަކީ ބަލައި ގަނެވޭނެ ކަމެއް ނޫން.

މި ނޫސްވެރިންގެ ބައްދަލުވުމުގެ ދަޢުވަތު ރައީސް އޮފީހުގެ މީޑިއާ ގުރޫޕުގައި ހިއްސާކޮށްފައެއް ނުވޭ. 

<a href="/presidencymv/">The President's Office</a>
Ahu Madhu (@dhonkolhu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ތިނަދޫ ކަނު އަނދިރީގަ.ސްޕެއާ ގަންނަން އިތުރު ފުރުސަތެއް މި ލިބުނީ.